On August 6th, I watched a program on T.V. highlighting the complexities regarding China's rise to power, it's current economic boom, and the ways in which it's government perpetuates, denies, and commits egregious acts of human rights violations. To most people who pay attention to world events, none of this is new information. However, with the Olympics being held in Beijing, an opportunity has arisen for those who are compelled to advocate on behalf of the voiceless to take advantage of the moment to raise awareness in hopes of putting pressure and shame on a country known for shucking the responsibility of its ills.
The Olympics have been a venue for political agendas and social justice movements for decades, and rightfully so. People have relied on the intersection of nation and sport to speak out against war, genocide, civil rights violations, religious persecution, and more. Athletes have taken their places on podiums to accept medals and to take a stand against all kinds of injustices. This time around is no different.
Well, it's a little different. With China under sharp criticism from much of the world, one can't help but wonder why it was chosen to host a world event in the first place. Who didn't see these ensuing controversies coming? One can't help but wonder what the hell CHINA was thinking?!? I mean did you (China) really think the world was just gonna sit back and forget all the ways your own people are being policed, silenced, and controlled just because you put on a good show? Did you think we'd be so awed by your torch display that we'd overlook the fact that you do business with governments who are currently committing acts of genocide, because you depend on their natural resources?
As important as it is to understand the intricacies behind China's woeful ways, it is not the focus of this blog. The focus is on the actions of a guy who affectionately goes by the name "Pastor Eddie." Pastor Eddie is on a one man crusade to "raise awareness" worldwide by reserving hotel rooms in China, vandalizing them by painting the walls with the atrocities committed by China over the years, and then documents his handiwork and journey on a blog called http://exodus8one.org/blog
It is all over the news. I saw his wife crying on t.v. tonight as she shared her support of his "sacrificial" actions. In case you are wondering, this act is considered "sacrificial" because it is quite possible that Pastor Eddie could be executed for his actions according to Chinese law. In China, it is against the law to criticize the government. And I am sure it is against the law to vandalize a hotel room and jump ship before paying your bill, too, all of which the pastor is guilty of.
Pastor Eddie, his wife, their church, and many supporters in the U.S. (and probably abroad) applaud this man's actions and insist that he (Pastor Eddie) is acting in accordance with God's will on behalf of people in China and those in other countries negatively affected by China's policies. The blog is riddled with Excessive God Talk (EGT-a term defined and the subject of my last Dissecting the Divine blog).
Pastor Eddie, writes updates in his blog highlighting his near miss with Chinese authorities in a way that makes me wonder if he is getting a sort of "high" from all of this, and ends by asserting that "GIG." I had to rack my brain to figure out that it meant, "God is Good." -I am gagging.
God is Good to a man who left his wife, family, and church to go to China, break Chinese laws, to make a point that many others are making just as successfully, risking a LOT of prison time and possible death? I think God is looking at this guy and saying, "Dude, leave me out of this!"
Here is the thing about Pastor Eddie...he is right. He is right about the atrocities committed by the Chinese government, he is right that people of all faiths are being persecuted immensely, and he is right in his demand for global awareness and action. But to what degree is God responsible for the way in which he has chosen to raise awareness?
Let me clarify, I am not opposed to civil disobedience. (Breaking the law in order to show that the law is in in need of revision.) Martin Luther King Jr. is one of my greatest inspirations and everything he did was "against the law." He had to break the law, or no one was going to listen.
People who harbored Jews during the Holocaust "broke the law" but they did so in order to save lives. It was necessary.
But Pastor Eddie...
I wonder if his "sacrifice" and methods to raise awareness will do anything more than get a couple thousand hits on youtube as well as get him or someone else killed. I read an article online that talked about how journalists were asking hotel employees what they knew of the whole situation. The two that were referenced said they knew nothing, that they didn't even hear of the event. Which reveals one of two things: Either the Chinese control over media kept employees of the actual hotel unaware of what happened INSIDE the hotel, or these employees are scared shitless that they will be arrested for mentioning a word of this to the foreign press. Yikes! Does this guy realize what harm he might be doing?
The other thing that baffles me is the fact that his wife is left behind as are his adult children and their six grandchildren, to wait and wonder what the fate of this lone soldier renegade holds. And they ALL confirm that God is behind this 100%.
This is precisely what I was talking about in my last blog. What is it that convinces this man that God is directing his actions in this way, and why is it that I strongly believe that such is not the case? Somebody is wrong. Somebody is not getting the correct message.
In a recent staff meeting one of the older sages I work with responded to my increasing concern over students who say things like "God told me I am supposed to go to Fuller" while their application deficiencies led to another fate. He said, (I am paraphrasing) "Students who believe God is speaking to them specifically about this program or that, would best be served if they conceded to the reality that they feel compelled by a very valid need to do SOMETHING about that perceived need, and are in the process of figuring out how to make that happen." Such wise words.
I believe that Pastor Eddie perceives a valid need. A need for global awareness, a need for social justice, a need for liberation from a very powerful government, a need for the dark atrocities of a nation to be brought to the light. What I don't believe is that God is behind his seemingly unwise and unnecessary sacrifice. I think God does require sacrifice but I just can't see God requiring sacrifice in vain. If other measures, media outlets, etc are in place that are making people question unjust Chinese foreign policy, what is the point of putting your own head on the chopping block? I can't think of anything more self righteous, UN-godly, and just plain non-sensical.
Now you might be saying, well look at the attention this guy is getting, doesn't that account for something? I would say yes, if CHINA WASN'T ALREADY MAKING HEADLINE NEWS WITH ALL ITS BAD STUFF! American media LOVES hating China. There is no shortage of their atrocities on mainstream news media outlets here. No shortage whatsoever. If such was not the case, I'd be the first to sign up for Pastor Eddie's blog.
For now, I am not sure what to make of it. What do you think? Do you think God told Pastor Eddie to do it? What did you know of China before this blog, or before hearing of Pastor Eddie on the news (if you have)? Has his efforts enlightened you about China more than other sources?
(Please resist the "he believes what he believes, I believe what I believe" kind of rhetoric as a means of avoiding critique of this situation. It is a myth that what one believes is between that one person and God. We don't exist in a vacuum. Everything we think, do, and believe affects everything outside of ourselves. Don't be afraid to say "yes" or "no" to the above questions, just be prepared to back it up.)
Dissect away my pretties.
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